Movies may have Nudity, Sex, Drugs, Violence, Gore and Rock and Roll
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All movies and video's are posted as found on Google Video,You Tube and Misc. We (THE DARKSIDE) do not upload, download, change or alter movies and video's. Reviews and trivia are from IMDB.COM, WIKPEDIA.ORG, DVD Extras, Documentaries or Misc. Any questions or would like somthing removed please contact
DANCE OF THE DEAD from the masters of horror series. 57 min
FUCKING BRILLIANT!!! The very thought, the sisterhood, the hate, the redemtion!!! ITS ALL TOO WELL THOUGHT THROUGH!!! I love this movie, and sister would love it too!!! The loyalty and the love of Jak, (no 'c') it's the chick is hot haha
fuckin awesome! I agree with all those comments at below. I already watched this movie a few times, but cant get myself to watch it over and over again! please fix that video!:(
FUCKING BRILLIANT!!! The very thought, the sisterhood, the hate, the redemtion!!! ITS ALL TOO WELL THOUGHT THROUGH!!! I love this movie, and sister would love it too!!! The loyalty and the love of Jak, (no 'c') it's the chick is hot haha
So Good!!! Deserves way more thens its been given and omg Jak so fucking hot!
fuckin awesome! I agree with all those comments at below. I already watched this movie a few times, but cant get myself to watch it over and over again! please fix that video!:(
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